Senin, 15 Desember 2008


Included in the category developed country located on the north American continent. Canada is flanked by the United States and the North Pole, and is located at the air-Sub-Arctic climate with four seasons. Average air temperature is relatively cool for the people of Indonesia, in a certain region in winter temperatures can reach minus 50 degrees Celsius, in the major cities in Canada temperatures ranging from minus 20 degrees Celsius in winter and 30 degrees Celsius in summer. On average the sun shines only for 3 months.
The total area of ​​Canada same with a land area plus of ​​the Indonesia ocean, the width is also equal to Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke in most areas of the tundra.

Canada is a country that includes Promising Country for migrant workers, in addition to Australia, New Zealand, America and countries in Europe, which is widely expected by the workers to work and earn a better livelihood. With a vast area of ​​Indonesia, including the oceans, Canada's only population of no more than 35 million people with 5.4% population growth rate that most of the immigrants, and only 1% less than the birth rate, so much needed influx of new immigrants, including from Indonesia to run the economy. Total population is scattered in 13 provinces and territories, with the largest cities, the economy is also the city of Toronto with a population of 5 million people (compared to Jakarta's 12 million people), a row is a Montreal, Vancouver and Ottawa is the capital of Canada. In addition to the city there are many other cities, namely Calgary, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Halifax and others.

Of the total number of immigrants, the largest is the domination of Europe (English and French) and from Mainland China (the largest), Hong Kong and Taiwan, then India and the Philippines, most of them go through the Workforce, and the last is Korea and Japan. Due to the many immigrants from Europe, namely Britain and France, Canada using a bi-lingual system in their daily life, namely English and French.

With the lack of manpower, since 2006, the Canadian Federal Government to tap the entry of immigrants for labor through the Temporary Foreign Workers Scheme (FTW) for almost all industrial sectors, in addition to previously existing through the Health Industry Scheme (Doctors and Nurses) and Live-in Scheme caregiver.

In general, procedures for filing for a recommendation to hire a stranger to all sectors, the first user to apply for LMO (Labour Market Opinion) to the HRSDC (sort of Manpower province) as a prerequisite for visa at the Embassy of Canada to Foreign Workers who enter later. LMO will be considered from a variety of things by HRSDC with various interested stakeholders, including local unemployment rates, the existence of the ethnic Indians, their importance, etc., thus requiring a relatively long time, ie at least 6 weeks.

Will be faster and easier for medical personnel and the Live-in Caregiver where demand for labor is very unusual, until the Canadian government also provides ease of Permanent Resident package to attract the entry of medical personnel and the Live-in Caregiver.

Salary to be received varies depending on the minimum wage in the region, for instance, working in Toronto will get a salary ranging from CAD 10/jam whereas in areas such as CAD 15/jam Saskatoon can achieve because the area is not as busy and as comfortable as Toronto. But it still needs to be considered a tax of nearly 30%, and the obligation to fulfill the accommodation and food for their daily needs. More or less acceptable net salary ranges between 40% - 60% of gross salary.

Broadly speaking, the main requirement is to have education equivalent to at least 12 years of formal education (high school), work experience in their field at least 2 (two) years and English language skills, especially in terms of communication. The higher the interaction with people, the higher the required English language skills. Live-in Caregiver will be required communication requirements of a good English due to the interaction with the child or parent who would be treated compared with the Carpenter or the driver or a plumber. Which includes a category with good English language requirements are waiter and receptionist. There is no specific parameter in assessing English language skills, as well as Australia, all will be determined through interviews of staff and the Working Party User.

Although Canada is also currently plagued by the World Economic Crisis, like all countries in the world, but the impact is not as severe as the U.S.. Labor demand will remain high despite the correction due to the crisis, especially in Vancouver - British Columbia which will host the 2010 Winter Olympics. Industry is in desperate need of workers outside the health sector is the hospitality sector, the construction sector - accretion and the transportation sector including the truck driver and mechanic.

If you are interested to work in Canada, learn to communicate in English and learn to adjust to the very cold air. Because the biggest challenge is the language and adapt to very cold air. May be adapted in advance to sleep in the fridge.