Senin, 15 Desember 2008

How is Canada ?

1. Due to the nature of the location, Canada is mostly COLD and SNOWY. SUN only appears

maximum is 4 months in a year

2. During Winter, the temperature will be around -15oC in some places can reach -40oC

3. During Summer, the temperature will be around 24 – 30 oC

4. Average Temperature is around 20oC

5. Canada is the second largest Area in the world with 33 million population while Indonesia

is the 6th Largest area in the world with 260 million people 4th most populated in the world

6. 60% Immigrants in 2007 are coming from Asia (including Middle East) and 1/3 population

are immigrants by 2031  and dominats by Chinese, Indian and Philipines

7.The Population Density 3/km2 (Hong Kong is 6254/km2)  thus make Public Transportation

is not as convenience as Hong Kong and Driving Skill is required in  Canada

8. Canada currency is Canada Dollar which slightly lower than US Dollar

9. Canada has two major language which is English and French. French mostly used in East

Area (Quebec, Nova Scotia)

10. Canada consists of 13 states